


英语字母谜 1. What letter is like a Pyramid(金字塔)?(A) What letter is like twelve o’clock? (A d-A-y) Which letter is most useful to a deaf woman? ( the letter “A”. Because it makes “her” hear.) 2. What letter asks a question? (Y) 3. What letter is an insect (昆虫)?(B, bee) 4. What letter you don’t know? (X) 5. What letter has water ? (C sea) What letter is a large body of water? (C) 6. What letter is a kind of drink ? (T tea) What letter is like an island? (T It is in the middle of wa-T-er.) Which letter is the difference between here and there? ( T) 7. What letter is a part of the head? (I eye) What letter can see ? (I eye) 8. What letter is not I nor he ? (U you) 9. What letter is like a cake? (O) What letter is an exclamation (感叹) of surprise? (O) 10. What three letters mean twenty-six letters? (ABC) 11. What letter is like a false friend? (P It’s always first in Pity, but Last in Help.) What letter is a kind of vegetable? (P pea) 12. What letter is a line? (Q queue) 13. I am first in the last, in the last I am found; In the flower you’ll see me, but not on the ground; In the lily(百合花) and lilac(丁香花) I’m hid; Not seen in the eye, I am known to its lid(眼睑);Indeed, I’m the very first thing on your lip. What am I? (the letter “L”) What changes a pear into a pearl? ( the letter “L” ) 14. Twice in a moment, once in a minute, never in an hour. What is it? (the letter “M”) 15. What part of London is in France? ( the letter “N”) 16. What and who is in the middle of China? ( the letter “ I” ) 17. What’s the end of everything? ( the letter “G” ) 18. We have it in December, but we don’t have it in any other month. What is it? ( the letter “D”) 19. What’s the most important thing is the world? ( the letter “E”. Because it is first in everything and everybody.) 20. 半个葫芦(大写)(B) 突出重围(大小写)(Cc) 调整工作(大写)(H) 顶天立地(大写)(I) 女儿(大写)(Y) 零的双胞胎(大小写)(O o) 禾苗出土(小写)(r) 连续的弯路(大小写)(Ss) 丁字尺(大写)(T) 盘山公路(大小写)(Zz)


关于各个国家的英语单词比如china China 2.阿富汗 Afghanistan 3.阿根廷 Argentina 4.埃及 Egypt 5.奥地利 Austria 6.澳大利亚 Australia 7.巴基斯坦 Pakistan 8.巴西 Brazil 9.白俄罗斯 Belarus 10.丹麦 Denmark 11.德国 Germany 12.俄罗斯 Russia 13.菲律宾 Philippines 14.加拿大 Canada 15.马尔代夫 Maldives 16.美国 United States 17.日本 Japan 18.英国 United Kingdom 扩展资料: China,现为“中国”和“瓷器”的英文译名。陶瓷最初的称呼是“Chinaware”,直译:中国瓦。陶瓷产品,古称瓦器(古时凡以土烧制成的陶土器皿,皆可称“瓦”)。China放在ware之前,可知China初无瓷器一义;后来省略ware,小写其字头,简称瓷器为china;获得瓷器之义,已经是晚清的事了。


